A message from Innerspacism owner and founder, Olivia Henrie:

As a collector, I have found it hard in the past to not clutter my space with too many things. I love decorating my space with all of my treasures but I constantly found myself feeling overwhelmed (especially with dusting), and the style of my space was often confusing. Back when I wasn’t concerned with style, I let the clutter take over, my friends would refer to my space as a “thrift store of a home” or to me as an “organized hoarder”. I first realized enough was enough when I was gifted my first copy of Marie Kondo’s book. Around that same time, I was moving from my four-bedroom home into a one-bedroom apartment. That’s when I began the process of weeding things out while packing to move and finding it really hard to let go of all of my collections and prize possessions. I made it my goal to let go of everything I could and to make my style more curated in my new living space. 

For my style, I wanted to create a cozy space with clean, modern lines along with aspects of naturalistic and vintage features. While unpacking, I found myself completely overwhelmed with all of my belongings that still remained, like all my books, trinkets, and knickknacks. All of these things meant so much to me that I couldn’t seem to “Marie Kondo” away, but I didn’t want to completely clutter my space again. This is when an idea sparked, I was going to create small spaces in my apartment that, thanks to the book “How to Not Always Be Working,” I would now refer to as the “altairs” within my space. These are spaces I’ve created to organize my memorable clutter within so that I can maintain simplicity throughout. A great way of doing this is to organize all of your memorable knickknacks and trinkets inside the curio cabinet. That way they are all within a contained section of your space rather than cluttering throughout your space. This way, you can maintain authenticity and character in your space while not disrupting the overall style of the space. Plus, It definitely keeps dusting to a minimum. 

Here are a few altairs I’ve created in my living space--